Friday, July 2, 2021

Summary Blog Post on Digitech

 Hello and welcome to my summary for Digital Technology for Term 2. Digital Technology has been fun this term. We were developing an app. We only have the home page which is not too bad, at least it's something.

I was in a group with Daniel, Enosh and Miguel

Here is who did what role:

Coder: Enosh

Researcher: Nolan

Designer: Miguel

Team Leader: Daniel

First off we did the pros and cons about some environmental apps I did one on Carbon Track. 

I was tasked as the researcher. It was really fun researching apps and writing down the information on them. I did it in my own words and made the sentences longer.

That must have been annoying to scroll down.

I did an about section. It was pretty much gibberish the app hasn't even been done we only did the homepage. And we still don't know what the app was about but anyway it was a fun ride.

We did a logbook every day on developing an app.

This is all Enosh did on the app.
Thanks to Enosh for the image.

And that's about it, Digital Technology was really fun.