Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Term 1 Athletics Blog Post

This year I did athletics at school, it was my first time doing it since primary school because at my intermediate it was an option because they thought what's the point in making them do that if they don't like it.

Alright, I did High Jump, Discus, 100m sprints and Shot Put.

 A technique for sprinting is to hold your chest up it helps with breathing and gives you more energy, High Jump is to scissor kick, Long Jump is to not run at full speed jog at a good pace, Discus hold the discus with all of your fingers on the hand you want to use, Shot Put is... to get strong I'm extremely skinny.

 I didn't do competitive because I'm bad at athletics, I did social so the only thing we need to do is participate. Long Jump - 2.77m, High Jump 1.1m, Discus 5.9m, Shot Put 43.4m

 I bring my P.E gear to almost all sessions except the first or two I was still getting used to the school.

 I participated in P.E each week, at my last school no one would pass the ball to me for half the sessions, the other half was one or two times. In my last P.E session I got involved more than my whole life at Kirkwood Intermediate.

I had fun dressing up in my Kahui colour I'm always in Gold/Yellow (and it's been shuffled three times). This is the first time I'm in a different house I was in Riroriro and we wore blue.

Keto Diet and Athletic Performance

(That's not me we had to put in a random picture of someone doing athletics).


  1. Ka pai Nolan. I have enjoyed doing athletics with you this term and watching you participate as an active class member in our warm up games.
    It's good that you can identify techniques that have helped you in different events.
    Well done on bringing your PE gear and getting involved in everything that we are offering. There will be more Kahui events where you can compete and earn points for Riroriro.

    1. really what are there I'm guessing cross country is one but what are other ones

    2. Hi Nolan! There are lots of sports games between kahui like volleyball, touch rugby and multisport. There will also be creative/arts challenges too. You get points for participation so get involved! Mrs Hastie

  2. Nolan
    Tūmeke (wicked).. what a great post on your experiences in PE and with athletics. As a former runner and athletics coach myself, I loved your comment on technique, and the fact that you seem to have enjoyed your greater participation.
    I reckon you'll like the Cross country, I know I did.

    1. Thank You I have enjoyed my first term at Hornby High School so far.
