Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Hello and welcome to (probably) the last blog post for Home Economics. It's been a great year but it has to come to an end.


I don't think this is the right recipe.

1. Put the biscuits into a plastic bag and hit with a rolling pin until crushed into small pieces. Transfer to a bowl. Transfer to a bowl. Add cocoa powder, walnuts and 1/4 of the coconut. Make a well in the centre.

2. Add the condensed milk. Mix together with a wooden spoon until evenly moistened. Chill for 30 minutes.

3. Spread the remaining coconut onto a plate. Roll level tablespoon of the mixtures into balls then make slightly egg-shaped. Roll in the coconut. Keep in an airtight container in the fridge.

Easy truffles

Vitamins, Protein.

Haven't tested it yet.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Colour Run

On Friday 26th November 2021 Hornby High School did a fun run at the school field to raise money for KidsCan. KidsCan is an organisation that provides food, shoes, clothes and other necessary supplies for kids. All the Year 7-10 students participated in this event to raise money for KidsCan. There was a bouncy castle, hurdles, tyres, water slide, cargo net and colour dye. I enjoyed it but it could have been better. The bouncy castle felt rushed like people were pushing you and it was wet and yucky and ewwwwwww. Honestly, I think it was really short even though it was the whole field. But I did enjoy myself that day. Going home at 1:50pm was pretty cool. What I wondered was how people looked cleaned after it. A lot of people had plastic bottles and was pouring them at each other. I was expecting it to be liquid paint that would stick onto you, but it was just colour dye.

I only found a photo of me in a crowd (try to find me haha).

Monday, November 22, 2021

WWI Passion Project - Term 4 Week 4 - How Did It Start Where Was It?

 I have learnt a lot of things this week including M.A.I.N (Militarisation, Allies, Imperialism, Nationalism). Those were the four things that caused World War I, but when Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria got killed that triggered World War I. We learnt about how countries were called empires back then and they would make alliances with each other. There were two main alliances called The Triple Entente and The Triple Alliance. The Triple Entente were Great Britain, France and Russia. The Triple Alliance was Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. Every soldier got PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) because of the horrible things they saw during the war. I forgot what it was called but there was something else that got into your body and you couldnt get it out and it would kill you over time even after the war. The winning side would bury their soldiers in rows with white crosses with their names on them. While the losing side would dump their soldiers in mass piles and put one memorial that if you had your name on it, you were lucky. This has been going well so far, Ive learnt a lot of things about World War I.