Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Electroplating With Copper

In Science today we electroplated steel with copper.

1. Power Supply 
2 Wires With Clips Copper Sulfate Solution
3. Copper 
4. Something you want to plate.
5. Beaker

Put your slips onto the positive and negative terminals of your power supply. Attach the copper to the positive wire and the metal you want to plate to the negative wire.

Put the copper sulfate solution in a tall beaker and put the copper and item in the solution. Avoid the clips entering the solution.

Set your power supply to 6 volts and turn it on! Leave for several minutes.

The key turned to a copper colour.

Copper in the Blue Solution was, Cu (Blue), with an electrical current turned into Cu (Orange Metal) on the negative electrode.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021


Hello and Today in Science We Made an Electromagnet. We Tangled a Copper Wire Around a Nail and We Turned on a Power Generator and it Was Magnetic. We Were Picking Up Paperclips.


Saturday, September 18, 2021

Open Steak Sandwich

 Hello and Welcome to this Blog Post. Yesterday in Home Economics We Made an Open Steak Sandwich. I Was Runner Yesterday So I Was Late for the Lesson. I Joined a Random Group and Worked With Them.

                                       Open Steak Sandwich                       Serves 4

  • Beef Schnitzel-  trimmed, about 1cm thickness (can be shredded & marinated before cooking)

  • Oil (for cooking meat)

  • 4 Bread rolls or 1 ciabatta loaf, cut into 4 pieces

  • Mayonnaise

  • Sauces - own choice eg Tomato, BBQ, Sweet Chilli

  • Lettuce, Spinach or Mesclun salad leaves

  • Tomatoes, sliced

  • Red Onion rings

  • Cheese slices

  • Avocado 

  • 1. Quickly pan fry the meat over medium-high heat until just cooked, turning once during cooking. Allow resting for 5 minutes. Serve as a piece or shredded


  • 2. Cut rolls or ciabatta loaf pieces in half. These can be warmed or toasted if desired.

  •   Spread the tops and the bottoms of the bread with mayonnaise and /or sauces chosen


  • 3. Top half the bread with lettuce etc, tomato slices, steak and any other ingredients


  • 4. Cover with the remaining bread pieces 


  • 5. Serve

I Forgot to Take Photos, So here is a Random Photo From the Internet.

Some Nutrients Were Protein and Vitamins.

My Team Worked Well Together.
The Sandwich Looked Good. It Tasted Really Good (It Was Probably the Beef that I Enjoyed the Most). The Texture of the Bread Was Dry. I Didn't Really Taste the Dry Bit of the Bread Because of the Meat. I Don't Think I Smelt Anything.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

How to Score in Badminton

Hello and Welcome to Another Blog Post in this Post I Will be Telling You How to Score in Badminton.

1. Badminton can be Played in Single or Pairs. The Lines are Smaller for a Single Match and the Lines are Bigger for a Doubles Match.

2. If You Hit the Shuttlecock Over to the Opposite Side, and They Don't Hit it, But it Lands Within the Court Lines, You Score a Point.

3. If a Server is Unsucessful in Hitting the Shuttlecock Over the Net, The Other Team Gets a Point and Serves.

4. If a Server is Unsuccessful in Hitting the Shuttlecock Over the Net, It's a Point to the Other Team and They Get The Next Serve.

5, If You HIt the Shuttlecock out of the Lines/Court, It's a Point to the Other Team.

6. If You Don't Hit the Shuttlcock, or Don't Hit it Back Over the Net, and it Falls to the Ground on Your Side of the court, The Other Team Gets a Point.

7. You Have to Get to 21 Points to Win, But You Must Have Two More Points Than Your Opponent. Example: You Have 21 Points and They Have 20, You Must Get 22 and They Must Have 20. I Saw This on Google But The First to Get 30 Points Wins if No One is Able to Get Two More Points.

Yep and That's How You Score in Badminton.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Message In A Bottle Nolan Thach

 Today in Wananga we had to write a blog post about a message in a bottle. This is unfinished but I hope you enjoyed it. Oh yeah and first blog post back to school I think.

Message In A Bottle

  • Where has the bottle been found? Christchurch, New Zealand.

  • Who found it? Nolan Thach (Older Version).

  • Who wrote the letter? Nolan Thach (Newer Version).

  • Why was the letter written? To Tell Me in the Future What I Hope to Achieve.

  • When was it written? 13th September 2021.

  • What does the letter say? My Goals I Wish to Achieve.

You could write the story of the bottle.  You could write a letter.  You could be the person who wrote the letter, or the person who found it. 

Remember to use punctuation! Add adjectives to make your writing interesting. 


So I decided to write a letter to myself in the future about what I want to achieve. I thought this was pretty boring, but I know it can bring back nostalgic memories for me when I was older. After all, my Year 7 Yearbook brings back so many memories. So I wrote this and threw it in the ocean. Apparently, that’s not littering, “man no wonder why there’s so much pollution in the ocean”. So there wasn’t a guaranteed chance that the message would come back to me when I was older, but I wasn’t willing to give up the chance of feeling a magical feeling.

62 Years Later

I am now 75 years old and was walking around the beach looking for the bottle. I’ve come here every year in hopes of finding the bottle. I’ve found 13 bottles over the years but none of them was mine. I threw them back into the sea in hope of making someone else find their bottle and get the magical feeling.

The Bottle

I saw another bottle and it washed across the sandy beach. I picked it up and opened it. No way it was my bottle. I opened it and saw the letter. It brings back so much nostalgia. It reminded me of when life was good. Here was the letter

Letter Introduction

Dear Nolan Thach

I hope you find this bottle in the future. I hope this will bring you so much nostalgia.

What is the World Like?

Is the Earth a Clean Environment

I know pollution and gases and other stuff like that was a terrible thing back in 2021. And if we didn’t do anything about it the Earth would be uninhabitable. The effects could be reversed if we did something about it, the question is, have we?

Has Mars Been Inhabited Yet?

People are talking about how they want to inhabit Mars.  I wonder if they’ve landed on it and started living there. It must be very isolated without oxygen. Even though it’s further from the sun, Mars will still be destroyed so they need another game plan. I wonder if they’ve landed on another planet outside of the solar system (probably not).

What Technology is There?

Have you ever watched that movie Back to the Future 2? Where Marty travels to 2015 and there are hoverboards and flying cars. Well if we look now we don’t have any of that stuff… and it’s 2021! I wonder in even longer years we’ll have some sort of flying cars and hoverboards.

Goals I Wish to Achieve

Achieving 200wpm on Nitro Type

Some day I want to achieve 200wpm on Nitro Type. 

Questions for Myself

Do I Still Play Roblox? 

Roblox got boring in 2021, but I still play it. Most people I know have quit by now. But I’ve stayed loyal to Roblox since 2016.

Do I Still Play Nitro Type?

To be honest I only play that game because I’m not allowed to play video games on school days. Nitro Type is almost as addicting as a normal game, but it’s boring. I have improved my typing speed a lot this year because I don’t have homework. I wonder in the future will I get homework? Will I improve less? My goal is to achieve 200wpm one day. I wonder if I’ve achieved that.

What Job Do I Have?

People ask me what do I want to be when I’m older. To be honest I don’t know. Gaming and typing are one of my favourite hobbies. But I know for a fact I’m probably not gonna do that. Wait how do I know I’m not gonna do that. It’s probably the expectations of my parents for me to do something else that doesn’t involve playing video games for a living.

Letter Conclusion

So those are a few of the things I wish to achieve and wonder about the world. I wonder what else there is, I wonder what’ll I’ll look like.

By Nolan Thach

Back to Real Life

I finished the letter in tears. I was speechless. I looked around me and saw what I had. I guess you should be grateful for what you have before your grateful for what you had.