Monday, May 31, 2021

Shark Infested Custard Game

 Hello and welcome to this blog post. Today in Health we had to play a game where we had to get to the other side of the hallway using three hoops. We couldn't step out of the hoop so it was hard. I had to get the hoop from the back and give it to the people in the front. It was very fun and challenging but we got through it first (maybe because we only had five people and the other two teams had six people in their team). We all used communication skills to pass the hula hoop to each other. 

We all encouraged each other and got through it with ease. I worked with Daniel, Risha, Shreya and a new person that started at our school. If we were to do it again I would make the gaps smaller because sometimes I had trouble reaching out for the hoop. I was probably working at level 2-3.

Rubber Band Cup Mover Game

 Last week on Health we had to wrap a rubber band around a cup then bring them to another table and release it. There were five cups we had to do and we couldn't do two cups at the time. Some of the other teams looked professional doing it but we failed it horribly.

We encouraged each other even though we failed horribly. But it was all fun and games. I worked with Karsten and Mischa, we had one less person which we got penalty points. If we were to do it again I would be more involved because I was scared that the rubber band put snap and fly everywhere. I probably worked at level 2 because I didn't really do anything, I just did what my teammates told me to do.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Crystal Blog

 Crystal Blog

Aim: To see if crystals grow.

Method: Beaker, Pencil, Pipes, Water and Science Liquid things.

Conclusion: The crystals are growing and connecting to the pipe.

Discussion: I think that crystals can be used for art and to amaze people in the world.

Drawing in Pairs

Hello yesterday in Health your friend had to describe a picture and you had to try to draw it as close as possible to what the picture looks like. After that, you switched roles and you had to describe it so your friend would draw it. Here is what I had to draw and what I drew.

The IP skills I used were Verbal, Non-Verbal and Active Listening. I didn't use any warm fuzzies or cold prickles so I was just normal nothing encouraging nothing mean.
This is unfinished but I'm going to publish it anyway.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Dilution and Filtration Blog

 Hello and welcome to this blog post about Science.

Write answers to these questions that will be included in your blog once we are done:

1. Which test tube had the most concentrated sample of Copper nitrate? The first one was the most concentrated and it has the strongest colour.

2. When new added water what were we doing to the concentration of the solution? It weakens the colour.

3. Which concentration of copper nitrate formed the most precipitate, why do you think this is the case? The first one.

4. Make sure you have a photo to post!

Key Terms

Filtering is when you can separate the solute (solid) from the solvent (liquid).

Separate means to split apart.

Once the solvent has been filtered that is called the filtrate.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Game Blog Post

Hello, my name is Nolan and I'll be talking about the game I've been creating in digital technology for the last 6 weeks. 

We were assigned to make a game based on a New Zealand, Character, Place, Story. I didn't get to finish the game because I didn't know how to make your character go to the next level. I needed to do that because there was a limit on how big the level was allowed to be. 

Anyway, you start running from a Maori person dodging stuff and then you get to the mini-boss level and that's all I did. I would have finished it if I knew what I was doing because I was making too many mistakes and google (well specifically GameFroot help and support) didn't help.

Here is the game: I can't screenshot it or send it because the game won't load. 

Here is the plan: By the way I can't make the post small for some reason it keeps being big

I enjoyed learning how to make a game on GameFroot but the thing is, it's hard to navigate and use stuff and it doesn't offer much. Overall it's a good app for developing a game. If I spent more time I would have definitely made it better. We had to do this in the holidays and I think this is the only homework project I haven't finished doing.

That's it for today thanks for checking out this blog post.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Water Boat

 Aim: Trying to see how long it takes for a fire to burn the paper with water on it.

Method: Tripod, Beaker, Gas, Paper, Fire.

1. Make the paper boat.

2. Setting up all the equipment.

3. If water went everywhere or the whole thing went up in flames you had to stop doing it.

Results: The paper ended up falling off due to a lack of balance and it spilt everywhere. It lasted like 47 milliseconds it spilt straight away

Conclusion: I think that it spilt because the bottom of it wasn't strong enough and ripped apart the middle and it spilt to the right somehow.