Monday, May 31, 2021

Shark Infested Custard Game

 Hello and welcome to this blog post. Today in Health we had to play a game where we had to get to the other side of the hallway using three hoops. We couldn't step out of the hoop so it was hard. I had to get the hoop from the back and give it to the people in the front. It was very fun and challenging but we got through it first (maybe because we only had five people and the other two teams had six people in their team). We all used communication skills to pass the hula hoop to each other. 

We all encouraged each other and got through it with ease. I worked with Daniel, Risha, Shreya and a new person that started at our school. If we were to do it again I would make the gaps smaller because sometimes I had trouble reaching out for the hoop. I was probably working at level 2-3.

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