Friday, May 7, 2021

Game Blog Post

Hello, my name is Nolan and I'll be talking about the game I've been creating in digital technology for the last 6 weeks. 

We were assigned to make a game based on a New Zealand, Character, Place, Story. I didn't get to finish the game because I didn't know how to make your character go to the next level. I needed to do that because there was a limit on how big the level was allowed to be. 

Anyway, you start running from a Maori person dodging stuff and then you get to the mini-boss level and that's all I did. I would have finished it if I knew what I was doing because I was making too many mistakes and google (well specifically GameFroot help and support) didn't help.

Here is the game: I can't screenshot it or send it because the game won't load. 

Here is the plan: By the way I can't make the post small for some reason it keeps being big

I enjoyed learning how to make a game on GameFroot but the thing is, it's hard to navigate and use stuff and it doesn't offer much. Overall it's a good app for developing a game. If I spent more time I would have definitely made it better. We had to do this in the holidays and I think this is the only homework project I haven't finished doing.

That's it for today thanks for checking out this blog post.


  1. Hello Nolan I love the way you used the words and I can see how you planned the blog post through the slideshow so well-done. -Daniel

    1. Hello Daniel thanks for liking my work your's was pretty good as well you are looking at me commenting on your post right now so I might as well put a comment that is long and wastes your time even though your right beside me and knows that is it wastes your time my accuracy on typing is only 97% and I'm not re reading it so it should make no sense.
