Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Types of Governments

 Over the last few weeks, we have been studying about types of Governments. Here is the slideshow, Nolan (me), Daniel and Eliakim made.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Diffusion of Potassium Permanganate

 Guten Tag and today we did the Diffusion of Potassium Permanganate experiment. We had to put permanganate in the hot water and cold water and it would turn purple. The hot water was faster than the cold water at changing colour.

Equipment: Tweezers, Petri Dish, KMnO4, Hot Water, Cold Water.

Question/Aim: Does temperature speed up or slow down diffusion? Yes the hotter the water the faster.

Result/Observation: The permanganate grew 2x faster in hot water than in cold water.

Conclusion: The particles in hot water are moving faster.

Thanks for checking out this blog post see you next time.

Diffusion of Potassium Permanganate in Hot and Cold Water - YouTube

Imploding Can

Guten Morgan and welcome to this blog post. Today we did the Imploding Can experiment. I didn't see what happened but I think the can was supposed to get crushed.

 Equipment/Method: Tripod, Bunsen Burner, Heat Mat. Gauze Mat, Scissor Tongs, Water in Ice Cream Container.

Results: We had to put 10-15ml of water in the can and hold it with a Scissor Tongs above the flame. Once it started boiling we had to turn it over into the ice cream container full of water. I didn't see what happened but I think the can popped and got crushed.

Imploding Soda Cans: An Inquiry Approach | Carolina.com

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Game Time! Part 2

Hello and welcome to this blog post. Yesterday in Health we finished the last half of the games. Except it was a bit of a free for all and none of us really stayed in our group. I started playing UNO AGAIN. I was playing with Miguel, Daniel and Risha. I had a good deck to win without wild cards. Until Miguel put a shuffle card, card and ruined my chance of winning. I then decided to watch Tevita and Eliakim play Pick up Sticks. I then 1v1 Tevita at it and I got more sticks than him (well we didn't really play seriously). We then played UNO (I know I already played it but I joined a different group). I won the game (well they thought they won they didn't see me with any more cards). So that was Game Time Part 2. 

Some Interpersonal Skills I used were Verbal Communication by talking to people. Non-Verbal Communication where I express feelings through my actions and facial expressions. I was actively listening to other people on what they did in the game. I was negotiating with Tevita that the sticks didn't move when it did several times I mean we both did that anyway.

And that's it for thig blog post goodbye.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Rising Water

 Hello and welcome to this blog post. Today in Science we did the Rising Water experiment.

Aim: To see what happens to the water level when the candle is covered.

Method: Petri Dish, Candle, Lighter, Cup, Water, Matches. Hot "High Pressure". Cold "Low Pressure"

Hypothesis: The flame and the water will create gas.

Results: Gas was coming out of the flame.

Conclusion/Why: The flame needed air so it tried sucking some but there was none because it was covered with a cup so it tried sucking everything else including the water.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Game Time! Part 1

Today in Health we had to play games. We had to be in groups of 2 or 3. There were six games and we got to play each game for 10 minutes but we only got to play 3 today. The other 3 we didn't get to play will be played next lesson. We played Guess Who, UNO and cards but it was just me doing magic tricks with them. I vs Daniel in Guess Who and lost. Then Jesse vs Daniel but the time to change activities came. We then played UNO I won the first game in three turns and I don't know who came second and third. In the second game, Daniel won then the time to switch came. Daniel placed a pick up 4 towards me. Jesse thought he was going to win but I placed down a pickup 2 to carry on to him. Then we played cards or it was me doing magic tricks. I did the one where they pick a card and then you guess what card it was and I did it successfully. The next one I failed and the next one there was a missing card so I couldn't do it. I think this is the most writing I've ever done for a blog post. It probably looks short because there's no picture. That's it for today bye.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Samoan Story Animation

 Hello and welcome to this blog post I have made a small animation on a Samoan Story hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Whina Cooper Timeline


Hello and welcome to this blog post I have made a timeline about Whina Cooper. Made with Visme Infographic Maker

Whina Cooper Poster