Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Game Time! Part 2

Hello and welcome to this blog post. Yesterday in Health we finished the last half of the games. Except it was a bit of a free for all and none of us really stayed in our group. I started playing UNO AGAIN. I was playing with Miguel, Daniel and Risha. I had a good deck to win without wild cards. Until Miguel put a shuffle card, card and ruined my chance of winning. I then decided to watch Tevita and Eliakim play Pick up Sticks. I then 1v1 Tevita at it and I got more sticks than him (well we didn't really play seriously). We then played UNO (I know I already played it but I joined a different group). I won the game (well they thought they won they didn't see me with any more cards). So that was Game Time Part 2. 

Some Interpersonal Skills I used were Verbal Communication by talking to people. Non-Verbal Communication where I express feelings through my actions and facial expressions. I was actively listening to other people on what they did in the game. I was negotiating with Tevita that the sticks didn't move when it did several times I mean we both did that anyway.

And that's it for thig blog post goodbye.

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