Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Game Time! Part 1

Today in Health we had to play games. We had to be in groups of 2 or 3. There were six games and we got to play each game for 10 minutes but we only got to play 3 today. The other 3 we didn't get to play will be played next lesson. We played Guess Who, UNO and cards but it was just me doing magic tricks with them. I vs Daniel in Guess Who and lost. Then Jesse vs Daniel but the time to change activities came. We then played UNO I won the first game in three turns and I don't know who came second and third. In the second game, Daniel won then the time to switch came. Daniel placed a pick up 4 towards me. Jesse thought he was going to win but I placed down a pickup 2 to carry on to him. Then we played cards or it was me doing magic tricks. I did the one where they pick a card and then you guess what card it was and I did it successfully. The next one I failed and the next one there was a missing card so I couldn't do it. I think this is the most writing I've ever done for a blog post. It probably looks short because there's no picture. That's it for today bye.

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