Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Diffusion of Potassium Permanganate

 Guten Tag and today we did the Diffusion of Potassium Permanganate experiment. We had to put permanganate in the hot water and cold water and it would turn purple. The hot water was faster than the cold water at changing colour.

Equipment: Tweezers, Petri Dish, KMnO4, Hot Water, Cold Water.

Question/Aim: Does temperature speed up or slow down diffusion? Yes the hotter the water the faster.

Result/Observation: The permanganate grew 2x faster in hot water than in cold water.

Conclusion: The particles in hot water are moving faster.

Thanks for checking out this blog post see you next time.

Diffusion of Potassium Permanganate in Hot and Cold Water - YouTube

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