Friday, October 29, 2021

Rice Paper Parcel

Welcome to another blog post. Today we made Rice Paper Parcels in Home Economics. I was working with Hunter and Cody (I think that's their names).

1. Fillings of Your Choice.
2. The Rice Paper Wrap Thing.
3. Wet the Rice Paper.
4. Put the Ingredients On.
5. Wrap it.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm that's all I can think of.

I forgot to take a picture... So here's another one from the internet.

It's All About the Nutrients
For the 986th time, I say this I suck at naming Nutrients.
1. Protein.
2. Fat.
3. Carbohydrates.
4. Vitamins.

My team worked well together.
It tasted a bit bad because I didn't roll it properly. But I know how good they can taste and they are usually good. The texture was a bit wet.

Thursday, October 28, 2021


 YOOOOOOOOOO what is up guys and welcome to another banger blog post.

For 4 weeks at school, we have been doing gymnastics in PE. We have been using 6 apparatus: bar, beam, parallel bars, mini-tramp, floormat and trampoline.

One challenge for me was the bar (that's the one you have to flip over right?). I couldn't do a flip over the bar. I was too afraid of falling. Most of the time I would do it sideways XD.

One achievement for me was doing the lower arm walk on the parallel bars.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Labour Weekend Blog

 Hello and welcome to another blog post (I should really change my introduction because I use the same greeting all the time). 

I went to the Riccarton markets with my family and friends. We basically did nothing, all we did was eat hot dogs, chips and had a drink and some doughnuts. After we went to Sumner Beach and just walked around, I took some pretty nice pictures. I ended up just lying down in the sun on top of the playground being bored. After that, we ended up chilling at our friend's house.

Sumner, New Zealand - Wikipedia

As I said before I was walking, walking, walking.

 I went on my phone and went on random apps like Youtube, Spotify, Games and other random entertainment apps. I did about 300 races on Nitro Type throughout the 3 days across all my accounts and jammed to 6+ hours of Spotify doing it. I played some video games like Roblox... and yeah that's the only video game I played. One of my friend's friends did a first to claim Discord Nitro Classic Giveaway and I claimed it first. He said he was going to give away more stuff.

And basically, I like doing the stuff above, so this is a waste of a sentence.

When I was lying on top of the playground, I was bored but felt relaxed, like I was levitating.

I learnt a new strategy on Clash of Clans (Miner Mania). It works on some bases and flops on a lot of them. I successfully won two games of Roblox Bedwars with my brother.

Yeah so it was pretty boring, but at least there was something to do. At least I wasn't spending 12 hours a day jamming Fortnite.