Thursday, October 28, 2021


 YOOOOOOOOOO what is up guys and welcome to another banger blog post.

For 4 weeks at school, we have been doing gymnastics in PE. We have been using 6 apparatus: bar, beam, parallel bars, mini-tramp, floormat and trampoline.

One challenge for me was the bar (that's the one you have to flip over right?). I couldn't do a flip over the bar. I was too afraid of falling. Most of the time I would do it sideways XD.

One achievement for me was doing the lower arm walk on the parallel bars.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Nolan. Well done on challenging yourself in PE and achieving so many new skills. I appreciate that it can be scary, but don't forget that there are big, soft mats under the bar incase you fall off. I hope you will continue to enjoy PE. Mrs Hastie
