Friday, November 5, 2021

Human Rights

What I Know About Human Rights
Human rights are rights that every human should have the right to have. Some of the rights are education, work and the right to vote. There are more I know but I can't be bothered typing it up.

Who do you Think has Human Rights?
Everyone has human rights. No matter where they're from, skin colour, gender, sexuality, you have human rights.

Why do you Think Humans Rights Should be Important?
Everyone has feelings and should feel like they are treated equally.

Can you Think of a Time When you or Someone you know wasn't Showing Human Rights?
At one point last term my political party was being homophobic.

Rank These Rights

To Live
To Live Freely (Depends on how free it is like if it's do anything you want no but if it's following the law and living freely yes)
To have Clean Water and Food
To have a Fair Trial
To Get Married

Vocabulary Task:
1. Impassioned - Showing Great Emotion
2. Malnourished - Suffering
3. Inspired - Motivated
4. Campaign - A Task/Operation to Complete Something
5. Bonded Labour - Doing Work to Pay off Debts
6. Lobbied - Seek to Influence an Issue
7. Dedication - Determined to Complete Something
8. Suspicious - Cautious of Something
9. Collusion - Illegal Cooperation to Deceive Others
10. Initial - Intended

I haven't edited this since August (before lockdown), so good luck to me getting work on here.

Declaration of Human Rights With Daniel, Miguel, Joseph and Karsten.

Social Justice and Human Rights

Dawn Raids

Parihaka Slideshow

The Holocaust Essay

And that is almost all of what I did for Human Rights.

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