Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Current Electricity

 Hello and Welcome to Another Blog Post in Lockdown. This week in Science we had to learn about Current Electricity

1. What is the Particle that Moves in a Wire? Electrons.

2. If there is a High Current in a Circuit What Does this Mean? The Fuse will Melt but Protects the Remainder of the Circuit.

3. How Does Electricity Work to Heat up a Stove? It Works Through Coils.

4. Where is DC Electricity Used? Where is AC Electricity Used? DC is Used in Low Current Applications Such as Charging Batteries. AC is Used to Give Power to Houses, Office Buildings etc.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Sophie Pascoe

Hello and Welcome to Another Blog Post in Lockdown. This week in P.E we had to make a presentation about Sophie Pascoe.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Hello and Welcome to another Blog Post in Lockdown. In Home Economics we had to make something at home.

I got the ingredient from my Intermediate School Website https://kirkwoodfood.weebly.com/pizza.html

Here is a picture of the Ingredients:

This is the Uncooked Product

I Used Sliced Chicken Nuggets to modify the ingredient because I didn't have any pepperoni. I also didn't have any tablespoons or anything so I just used spoons and cups.

Here is the Picture of the Finished Product

It looked delicious but not professional. It tasted delicious but was really hard. It was really warm. The smell wasn't that strong in fact I don't remember what it smelled like. The texture was hard.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Static Electricty

 Hello and welcome to another blog post in lockdown. I have to answer these questions about static electricity.


1. What are the 3 particles that make up everything? Which ones have a positive and negative charge? Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. Protons are positive and Electrons are negative.

2. Objects want to be "electrically natural" What does this mean? They want to be the same amount of charge. Protons want to be positive as much as Electrons want to be negative.

3. When you rub two insulators you can get a static shock, so what are an insulator and a conductor? They would repel each other and transfer the negative to the conductor. An example of this is metal and plastic.

4. What is an example of static electricity? Rubbing a balloon on your body.

12 Basic Badminton Techniques

Hello everyone to this blog post. This work was done at home because of lockdown. We had to make a slideshow about 12 basic badminton techniques I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Blogging Task

Hello and welcome to this blog post today in music we have to answer these questions.

1. What are the Three Elements of Music? Harmony, Rhythm and Melody.

2. What Music Element is a Chord and What are Their Functions? Harmony.

3. What Three Parts Make Up a Chord and What are Their Functions? I don't know.

4. Name Three of the Four Types of Notes We've Learnt About? Major, Minor, Sharp.   

Monday, August 16, 2021

Chicken Stir Fry

 On Friday in Home Economics we made Chicken Stir Fry. I was working with Jrae and Ethan.


1. 1 Chicken Breast

2. 1 Carrot (Julienne Strip)

3. 1 Onion (Diced)

4. 3-4 Pieces of Broccoli (Small florets)

5. 1 Zucchini (Sliced)

6. Other Vegetables (Capsicum, Peas, Corn, Celery) Might be more ingredients.

7. 2T Sesame Oil

8. 1 Packet of 2 Min Noodles


1. Cut Chicken into Strips

2. Place Chicken in a Glass Bowl with Sesame Oil. Mix Together.

3. Prepare Vegetables

4. Sauté Chicken and Onions Together. Sauté means to Cook Quickly to Brown.

5. Add Broccoli and Carrots and Stir Fry for Five Minutes.

6. Add the Remaining Vegetables and Cook for a Further 5 Min

7. Bring a Pot of Water to the Boil

8. Add the Broken Noodles into the Boiling Water and Cook for 2 Minutes

9. Drain Noodles in a colander and Add to the Vegetable and Chicken Mixture. Mix Together Lightly.

10. Serve


Again I'm not good with identifying what nutrients are in a product.

1. Protein

2. Vitamins


My team worked pretty well together.  Although some of the noodles dropped on the ground (apparently they weren't put in but when I got home my stomach started hurting). The finished product looked fine. The noodles tasted a bit plain maybe a little more flavour and noodles. The texture of the noodles was soft. I didn't get a chance to smell it (I don't think I smelt anything) probably because I was a bit sick because of the rain and snow on Monday.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Pita Pockets

 On Friday in Home Economics we made Pita Pockets. I put tomatoes, cheese, lettuce, ham and more in mine. I was working with Kaurodia and Jrae.

Here is the Recipe:

Pita Pockets


  • 1 pita casing per person

  • Lettuce

  • Cheese

  • Tomato

  • Grated carrot

  • ¼ onions

  • 1t oil

  • Sauces – tomato, bbq, mayo, hummus, chilli

  • 1 slice of ham


  1. Sauté the onions together in a pan with oil, high-med heat

  2. Chop and grate the vegetables you require

  3. Place pita pockets in microwave for 20 seconds

  4. Cut open the pita pocket along the crease

  5. Stuff pita pockets with required fillings


Some nutrients that were in my Pita Pocket were Protein, Vitamins and Minerals. I'm not actually sure what nutrients were in the pita pockets. Those are the nutrients that I think were in there.

My team worked pretty well. It was more of an individual thing but we did help each other by getting some of the foods, cleaning dishes, drying, putting them away.

It was broken so it was hard eating it. It smelt ok and tasted ok. I didn't really enjoy it, it tasted like vegetables mixed with other things in bread that makes your throat dry. It felt cold and didn't really match between the taste, feel and smell.

Discovery Tasks

Over the last few months in health, we have been working on discovery tasks. I was working with Tevita doing this. Although we barely did anything each lesson (mainly him) we still got it done. The topic we chose was discrimination or racism. I only just found out there was an option to do discrimination. We focused on racism.

We had to write 6 BIG questions and answer them here is an image of it

We then had to answer it

We then had to find strategies on how to stop it

We then created art on how to stop racism (although it was bad). We chose to do this because... well I don't know Tevita chose it. 
We thought that telling someone was important because you won't have to fight it alone. Staying close to a group of people will make people scared to be racist.

This was extremely boring and we could have done this faster if we tried. The questions were hard to answer because we couldn't find an explanation on google but we did eventually finish it. Tevita did about 1-2 things each lesson while I was doing the most work so I don't think he was the best partner (sorry 
Tevita). Hopefully, he never reads this blog post.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Identifying the Instrument and Which Plays Melody, Harmony and Rhythm


Drum, Saxophone, Trumpet, Bongo, Electric Guitar.
