Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Discovery Tasks

Over the last few months in health, we have been working on discovery tasks. I was working with Tevita doing this. Although we barely did anything each lesson (mainly him) we still got it done. The topic we chose was discrimination or racism. I only just found out there was an option to do discrimination. We focused on racism.

We had to write 6 BIG questions and answer them here is an image of it

We then had to answer it

We then had to find strategies on how to stop it

We then created art on how to stop racism (although it was bad). We chose to do this because... well I don't know Tevita chose it. 
We thought that telling someone was important because you won't have to fight it alone. Staying close to a group of people will make people scared to be racist.

This was extremely boring and we could have done this faster if we tried. The questions were hard to answer because we couldn't find an explanation on google but we did eventually finish it. Tevita did about 1-2 things each lesson while I was doing the most work so I don't think he was the best partner (sorry 
Tevita). Hopefully, he never reads this blog post.

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