Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Hello and Welcome to another Blog Post in Lockdown. In Home Economics we had to make something at home.

I got the ingredient from my Intermediate School Website

Here is a picture of the Ingredients:

This is the Uncooked Product

I Used Sliced Chicken Nuggets to modify the ingredient because I didn't have any pepperoni. I also didn't have any tablespoons or anything so I just used spoons and cups.

Here is the Picture of the Finished Product

It looked delicious but not professional. It tasted delicious but was really hard. It was really warm. The smell wasn't that strong in fact I don't remember what it smelled like. The texture was hard.


  1. Hi Nolan. I really like the honesty of your blog. I also like the fact that you substituted ingredients and did not let the lack of a tablespoon stop you from making this pizza. There are a couple of reasons your pizza was hard - using a spoon that was smaller than a tablespoon and maybe overcooking it. The smell is often generated by the sauces and the ingredients. Did you use BBQ sauce? Well done, Nolan.
