Monday, August 23, 2021

Static Electricty

 Hello and welcome to another blog post in lockdown. I have to answer these questions about static electricity.


1. What are the 3 particles that make up everything? Which ones have a positive and negative charge? Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. Protons are positive and Electrons are negative.

2. Objects want to be "electrically natural" What does this mean? They want to be the same amount of charge. Protons want to be positive as much as Electrons want to be negative.

3. When you rub two insulators you can get a static shock, so what are an insulator and a conductor? They would repel each other and transfer the negative to the conductor. An example of this is metal and plastic.

4. What is an example of static electricity? Rubbing a balloon on your body.


  1. Great work Nolan you have given these questions a great go. Your answers are well thought out, I like your example of static electricity. For Q3, what are some examples of insulators and conductors you would fin at home? Ka pai Nolan.
